Eat Healthy Foods This Summer to Improve Your Oral Health

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Eat healthy foods this summer to improve your oral health. Although many foods are just another obstacle that stands in the way of optimum oral health, did you know that there are some foods that have been proven to actually enhance your oral health? Listed below are some helpful foods and tips for your oral health with the wonderful benefits they can offer to your smile:

– Avoid snacking between meals, as this can lead to an increase in the time your teeth are at risk for dental damage including tooth decay and gum disease.
– In order to keep your oral health care going strong, try chewing sugarless gum after meals to help assist in washing away food particles and facilitate the increase in production of saliva, which can neutralize harmful acids and prevent cavities.
– Some ingredients in foods are capable of making your teeth stronger and healthier. This includes calcium and phosphorous, which is commonly found in cheese, nuts, milk, and various meats, specifically chicken.
– Some supplemental oral health cleaning tools include crunchy, watery foods such as celery, pears, and apples, which can wash away food particles and facilitate the production of saliva, which can neutralize harmful acids.
– Foods that have a high acidic content should be avoided at all costs, as they can greatly contribute to dental erosion and gum disease.

To schedule an oral examination or professional cleaning at John J. Tortora, D.D.S. with Dr. John Tortora and Dr. Theresa Dantonio at our dentist office in Brick, New Jersey, simply give us a call at 732-295-1616. We look forward to hearing from you.